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Reiki is a safe, non-evasive, therapeutic relaxation technique that works within our energy system. It helps to create and maintain balance, and promote health and overall wellbeing. By helping to restore and maintain balance, Reiki promotes the ultimate relaxation and allows the body to enhance its natural healing abilities on all levels.

Reiki can be given and received during in-person sessions, as well as sent distantly.



Reiki helps to create an overall deep relaxation and aides the body to balance and release stress and tension. Some of the health benefits of Reiki can be:

  • Relief and/or prevention of pain and discomfort
  • Assist immune system support and overall health
  • Aides in breaking of addiction
  • Relief of emotional, mental and spiritual stressors
  • Speed recovery of surgery and long-term illness
  • Minimize or eliminate mood swings, anxiety, depression, anger and frustration
  • Assist with mental clarity, such as; feeling foggy, memory and alertness

*Please note: It is recommended that individuals are currently and continue to be advised by a certified medical professional while receiving Reiki treatment(s). Reiki is a fabulous complement to other modalities, however Reiki Practitioners are not certified medical professionals, unless stated and verified otherwise.




WANT TO LEARN MORE? Click the links below...

  • What does a Reiki treatment look like?

    Before a Reiki treatment begins, you are asked to give a brief summary of yourself and consent for Reiki treatment. This allows the Practitioner to gain enough knowledge of how to best suit your needs. All information is kept strictly confidential and will not be shared unless it is upon clients request.

    Reiki is always done fully clothes and there is the option of using a light blanket and pillow(s) for optimal comfort.

    Reiki is normally done with the individual laying on their back for the first part of the treatment, then on the stomach. The individual lies on a treatment table with a pillow underneath the head and a pillow underneath the knees for support, if desired. Reiki can also be given while sitting in an upright position, if more suitable for clients needs.

    Normally the room in which Reiki is provided will have soft, relaxing music along with dim lighting for optimal relaxation, unless the client has a preferred choice.

    The Reiki Practitioner will provide Reiki by placing light-touch with the hands on specific energy centers throughout the body. Reiki can also be given with the hands above the clients body.

    Each full-length Reiki session lasts one hour.

  • What will Reiki feel like?
  • Do I play a role in my healing?
  • What is Distance Reiki?
  • Is Reiki a religion?
  • What is Animal Reiki?


DISCLAIMER: You must be 18 years of age or older to receive a reading. It is through read and signed consent by each participant prior to reading that a reading is not a substitute for the guidance of medical or professional advice and because of such, the readings are considered "for entertainment purposes only". By consenting for a reading or Reiki session you agree that any information given to you, including any actions and choices you make, are solely your own personal responsibility.



Barbara Quinton

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